Maze Live 2016 Fraud Environment

This session will provide information on some common fraud schemes relevant to most entities and provide examples of controls you can implement in your organization to decrease the risk of fraud. We will also provide an overview of the Internal Control Guidelines issued by the State Controller’s Office.
Presenters David Alvey, CPA Audit Partner and Katherine Yuen, CPA, Audit Partner


Maze Live 2016 Changes in Grant Management and How to Prepare for the Single Audit

Are you ready for the new Single Audit rules and requirements? In this session, we will go over the new Uniform Guidance to Federal Awards with a high level background and overview on the latest updates on the new single audit requirements. We will discuss how the Uniform Guidance will affect the planning considerations for year-end single audits.  We will also discuss how you can successfully prepare for the single audit and comply with the new Uniform Guidance for Federal Awards.
Presenters Nikki Apura, Audit Supervisor and Mark Wong, CPA, Audit Partner


Maze Live 2016 GASB 68 and 71 Planning for the Second Year

How did your implementation go last year?  In this session, we will cover issues that we or our clients encountered during the implementation of GASB 68 and 71.  We will also cover anticipated challenges, new information from actuaries, as well as sample journal entries in this first year after implementation.  Presenter Amy Meyer, CPA, Audit Partner


Maze Live 2016 Implementing GASB 72: Fair Value Measurement and Application

In this session, we identify the impacts of GASB 72 for financial statement presentation purposes and be exposed to updated footnote tables and other pertinent footnote disclosures.  Other topics include: valuation techniques, reporting requirements and definitions related to the Statement.  Presenters Cody Smith, CPA, Audit Supervisor and Amy Meyer, CPA, Audit Partner

Continue reading Maze Live 2016 Implementing GASB 72: Fair Value Measurement and Application

Maze Live 2016 GASB Update

Are you wondering what is down the pike for GASB implementation?  In this session we will cover the new GASB pronouncements for the upcoming years, including those addressing tax abatement disclosures and retiree healthcare benefits.  Presenter David Alvey, CPA Audit Partner Continue reading Maze Live 2016 GASB Update

Maze Live 2016 Cyber-security for Local Governments

Session description: Is your organization doing enough to reduce the risk of cyber threats?  Cyber-security is more than compliance with credit card processing.  What risks does your organization have?  Cyber-security is a prime concern today and in this session we will cover what local governments can do to reduce risk.  Presenter Donald E. Hester, CISA, CISSP, Director


Why does our financial audit include an information system review ISR

How does the IT control environment relate to the risk of material misstatement (RMM) in financial reporting?  What is the best way to address the risk of material misstatement associated with the IT infrastructure and applications within an organization?  Learn the reasons behind Maze & Associates approach to determine the risk of material misstatement as it relates to your IT control environment.

Single Audit Uniform Guidance – Session 2

Second of two sessions. We are in the business to help our clients succeed. In this class, we will go over how you can successfully prepare for the single audit and comply with the new Uniform Guidance for Federal Awards.

Single Audit Uniform Guidance – Session 1

First of two sessions.  Are you ready for the new Single Audit rules and requirements? In this class, we will go over the new Uniform Guidance to Federal Awards with a high level background and overview on the latest updates on the new single audit requirements. We will discuss how the Uniform Guidance will affect the planning considerations for year-end single audits.

QuickBooks and Fraud

Vikki Rodriguez (Partner) and David Alvey (Partner)
This session will provide information on some common fraud schemes relevant to entities that use Quickbooks, and provide examples of controls you can implement in your organization to decrease the risk of fraud.